Our PSHE curriculum is designed with the following aims in mind:


  • Children will make positive contributions to their community.

  • Children will be prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

  • Children will be able to make informed and good decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.

  • Children will be able to build on their self-efficacy.

  • They will be equipped to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in an ever-changing society.

  • Develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally;

  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle

  • Be aware of safety issues, including the dangers of drugs and alcohol

  • Understand what makes for good relationships with others

  • Understand and manage their emotions

  • Value themselves and respect others

  • Acknowledge and appreciate difference and diversity

  • Be independent and responsible members of the school and the local community

  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society

  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues

  • Safeguard the environment

  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community.



  • Children will be taught themes including; Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, and Living in the wider world.

  • Within class, teachers create a safe and secure learning environment to deal with potentially sensitive subjects.

  • Children can share their ideas, values and attitudes without fear of negative feedback from peers.

  • Clear boundaries are set to manage discussions on sensitive issues appropriate to the children’s age.

  • Connections are made between learning in PSHE and real-life experiences children have encountered or are likely to.

  • Connections are made with wider aspects of school life e.g. School council; Well-being ambassadors; celebration assemblies and themed activities, such as Anti-Bullying Week.

  • Children are encouraged to develop their sense of self worth by contributing to the local community.


Children will be able to:

  • View themselves positively and being aware of their skills, attributes and achievements.

  • Responding positively to change and being able to adapt to situations.

  • Have respect for themselves and others and respect differences between one another.

  • Become independent and responsible members of society by playing a positive role in contributing to school and the wider society.

  • Develop positive and healthy relationships with their peers, now and in the future.

  • Understand how to keep healthy, both physically and mentally and know how to keep themselves safe physically, mentally and online.

  • Confidentially discuss problems and seek help to solve them.

  • Manage risk in their play, friendships, work and online.

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of diversity, equality and global challenges, such as poverty.

  • Understand the aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level.

  • Manage power positively.

  • Demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy; Tolerance; Mutual respect; Rule of Law and Liberty.

  • Have a positive attitude towards their learning and work proactively to meet their goals.

  • Have a lively and enquiring mind, to acquire knowledge and develop the skills of communication and information handling which equip them for adult life.

Click here to see the full progression of skills.